The location of this river tubing is at the foot of Mount Ciremai. Precisely in Payung Village, Rajagaluh District, Majalengka Regency. This tourist attraction can be reached by private vehicle or public transportation. And there is already a pickup truck ready to take tourists to the starting point of the river tubing. 


tourists will be invited to wade through the river with tires. Down the bend of the river with a calm to heavy current. Suitable for anyone who likes adrenaline-pumping sports.

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The atmosphere in the tourist attraction area is also very supportive to refresh the mind. The air is still cool, and the lush trees add to the comfortable atmosphere. Not only sports, tourists can also sit back and lay out a mat on the river bank. Or enjoy the dishes that have been provided by the manager.

River tubing has become an adrenaline-pumping sport that is quite popular after white water rafting. Not much different from rafting, both of them along the river current. River tubing itself is a river activity using an inner tube. This inner tube has been modified with a rope so that it connects like a snake.

Players will ride each buoy, in a semi-reclining sitting position. Feet and hands are on the circumference of the tire, and holding on to the rope provided. River tubing can be played from five people lined up like snakes. Where the second player's foot is raised on the first player's tire, and so until the last player.

source : google

No need to use paddles like in white water rafting. Because players only need to follow the flow of the river carrying the tires they ride. Tourists can while enjoying the beautiful scenery around. Trees, which occasionally look like forest animals like birds flying from branch to branch.

The Cikadongdong River is the location for river tubing with a variety of river terrain. In some parts, the water flow is still gentle and calm. Tourists can still relax enjoying the surrounding scenery. Not a few are also challenging and can't wait to try out a heavier stream.

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Over time, the flow of the river brings tourists to a heavier current. Occasional water ripples are seen because of the derivatives along the river. The tourist float tires also went down and the laughter of tourists began to split. Not only that, river rocks scattered in various sizes also become a challenge.

Every now and then, tourist buoys hit the rocks. Not infrequently the buoy also flips over when the impact is hard enough. But don't worry, because each team will be accompanied by a reliable guide. At some points prone to falls, there are officers who are ready to help tourists.

source : google

In one game, there must be at least 5 people and one guide. Because if it is too short, tourists can drift out of control. In Cikadongdong River Tubing itself also provides two river tubing routes. Namely the line along the 250 meters and the line 1 kilometer.

The 250 meter long trail is certainly suitable for beginners. The terrain that is traversed is not too stressful. There are currents that are passed, there are also rocks that become obstacles. However, not as extreme as the other path.

While on the 1 kilometer route, it is suitable for those who are more experienced. Where this longer path has more extreme terrain. More challenging and tense, and of course more exciting. Beginners are also allowed to join, because there will be a guide to accompany them.

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The scenery in the Cikadongdong River area is so charming. The mountain springs that flow in this river also look very clear. Not too deep, so tourists can see the bottom of the water which is full of rocks. Occasionally seen small river fish that swim quickly.

Tourists can sit relaxed on the banks of the river. While enjoying this beautiful natural scenery. You can also have a picnic with lunch. Because there are no food stalls scattered in the location.

source : google

Don't forget to capture this happy moment by taking pictures. The scenery around this beautiful river can be a photogenic collection. Which will be very interesting to upload to social media. Not many ornaments make this place still very beautiful and natural.

Indeed, there are not many stalls in the tourist area. However, the manager has provided meal packages for tourists. Which tourists can eat after doing river tubing activities.